Indoor & Outdoor Lighting
Would you invest $25 into your company or home to save $100?
Serenity e ink entered the L.E.D. retrofit market in South Georgia and North Florida in late 2019. Our interaction with our Client base made us aware on how much their electric bills were increasing at an alarming rate.
A lamp using light emitting diodes as its light source. LED lamps have been designed in a sufficiently wide selection now to fill almost any need and to retrofit almost any traditional lamp. Their efficacy exceeds that of any other light source in wide use today. As their cost has dropped the advantage of their use has increased significantly. LEDs also have superior efficacy with lumen per watt values of 130 or even higher.Through our electrical cost analysis of your business’ lighting usage, we have been able to cut our Clients lighting electrical consumption by up to 50% in some case.
How it Works
What we need from you
Serenity e Ink offers a three-year warranty on LED lamps from Damar ( a manufacturer of lighting since the early 1970s) that are put into the retrofitted fixture we upgrade.
Electrical Cost Analysis $25
Lamp Recycling
SERENITY e INK provides mercury filled lamp recycling in-line with Florida EPD (Environmental Protection Division)

SERENITY e INK PROVIDES MERCURY FILLED LAMP RECYCLING INLINE WITH FLORIDA EPD (Environmental Protection Division)Mercury is used in many everyday products like fluorescent lamps, thermometers, thermostats, blood pressure manometers and pleasure boat bilge pump float switches. Some of these products have an environmental benefit. For example, fluorescent lamps use less energy than traditional incandescent lamps. Unless they are recycled or otherwise disposed of properly, however, the mercury from these discarded products can contaminate the air, surface water and ground water. Mercury contamination in Florida is most evident from the fish consumption advisories due to high mercury levels in certain fish in a number of Florida lakes and in the Everglades. The Florida DEP has responded to this mercury contamination with research to better understand the problem and its causes and with environmental controls to reduce the potential for mercury to enter the environment.
- Why You Should Recycle
- How this helps
Save Money & the Environment with Lighting Solutions Today
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